School Information

Concerts for Download

Below is a list of the concerts and the associated programmes that are currently available for download. They can also be viewed through the site by clicking on the link.

Some of these videos are very large and so may take some time to download.

Once you have finished, please sign out by clicking 'Log Out' in the left hand menu.

Active In Music retains the copyright to all of the content available here. By downloading it you accept the following terms and conditions:

The videos are provided for download for the personal, private use of the students and parents only.

You agree not to upload the videos, in part or whole, to any other internet site.

You agree not to show any of the content in general public.

You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy or otherwise exploit the content on our website for a commercial purpose.

You agree not to edit or otherwise modify any of the content.

Your agree not to redistribute any of the content.

One copy is permitted per pupil. Permission should be sought from Active in Music should further copies be needed.

The access code to the parent area must be kept in the strictest confidence and will be changed periodically.

The files are in WMV format which should play in Windows Media Player. If you're on a Mac you may need to download a suitable player such as Flip4Mac.